Known Clergy Abusers in Florida

Over the last year, Catholic Dioceses from across the United States have released lists of known clergy sexual abusers. There’s no greater breach of trust than when someone in a position of power and authority sexually abuses someone. These acts have devastating effects on victims. Forester Haynie is an advocate for victims of clergy abuse as well as for anyone abused by a person in a position of power. Already, more than 3,000 civil lawsuits have been filed on behalf of victims of clergy abuse. Here are the names of known abusers in the state of Florida:

Last First Status Diocese
Acosta Jorge Sued St. Petersburg, FL
Allen Richard J. Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Anglim Thomas M. Sued Venice, FL
Appleby Russell Gerald Convicted St. Petersburg, FL
Arandia Arnulfo Sued Miami, FL
Baier Donald Accused Venice, FL
Balthazar Norman G. Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Bartholomew Carl Accused Venice, FL
Bendixen Arthur Settled Orlando, FL
Berko Matthew Convicted St. Petersburg, FL
Bernabe Polienato Indicted St. Petersburg, FL
Bhaskar Godugunuru Vijaya “Vijay” Sued Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL
Bowles Richard J. Sued St. Augustine, FL
Brennan George Sued Venice, FL
Burke (St. Petersburgh, FL) William Michael Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Calimari Joseph Sued Miami, FL
Carrera Francisco Sued Miami, FL
Cassetta Charles Sued Miami, FL
Castellanos Ricardo Sued Miami, FL
Castillo Richard “Rick” Accused Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL
Castillo Rolando Sued Miami, FL
Casula John Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Cherup, Jr. Michael A. Accused Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL
Cikovic Charles Michael Convicted Venice, FL
Cinesi Joseph Settled Miami, FL
Clementi Innocente Settled St. Petersburg, FL
Collins Edwin Accused Palm Beach, FL
Coyle James M. Accused Orlando, FL
Crandall Thomas Anthony Arrested Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL
D’Angelo Rocco Charles Settled Miami, FL
Dennehy Thomas Sued Miami, FL
Doherty Neil Sued Miami, FL
Eggleton Christopher T. Sued Miami, FL
Emerson Richard A. Sued Orlando, FL
Engbers Thomas J. Accused Miami, FL
Escala Rafael Settled Miami, FL
Fernandez Miguel A. Sued Miami, FL
Flemming James Sued Miami, FL
Flemming Neil (brother of James) Sued Venice, FL
Flynn Frank Sued Palm Beach, FL
Garcia Emilio Accused Orlando, FL
Garcia Rolando G. Sued Miami, FL
Garcia-Rubio Ernesto Sued Miami, FL
Gonzalez-Abreu Hector Sued Miami, FL
Griffin Gus (August?) Sued Miami, FL
Guerrero Joaquin Settled Miami, FL
Guichard Alvaro Sued Miami, FL
Guimaraes Elias Francisco Convicted Palm Beach, FL
Harris L. Yates Sued Miami, FL
Hernandez Ramon Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Hidding Thomas J. Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Honc Kathleen Francis Accused Orlando, FL
Huck Joseph Sued Miami, FL
Joan Marie Sister Sued Miami, FL
Jones Edward T. Accused Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL
Joseph Jean Ronald Accused Venice, FL
Jove Pedro Sued Miami, FL
Kershner Joseph J. Sued Miami, FL
LaCerra Gerard T. “Gerry” Sued Miami, FL
Lamothe Gerard Jules Accused Palm Beach, FL
Lara James C. Settled St. Petersburg, FL
Lau William A. Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Luka Ronald John Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Malicki Jan Sued Miami, FL
Maloney Francis F. Sued Palm Beach, FL
McCreanor David Accused Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL
McLoughlin Edward Settled Venice, FL
McLoughlin Nicholas Accused St. Petersburg, FL
McNamara Thomas Accused St. Augustine, FL
Mena Jose Sued St. Augustine, FL
Mercieca Anthony sued Miami, FL
Miyares Gustavo J. Sued Miami, FL
Mulryan Thomas Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Nickse Jose Pablo Sued Miami, FL
O’Brien Kevin Sued Miami, FL
O’Donnell Terence (Terry) Sued St. Petersburg, FL
O’Dowd Eamon Settled Orlando, FL
O’Farrill Juan Ramon Sued Miami, FL
Pagni, III Thomas James Convicted Orlando, FL
Palimattom Jose Convicted Palm Beach, FL
Parlangeli Anthony Convicted Miami, FL
Puertas Cristobal de Jesus Accused Miami, FL
Reason Hubert John Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Redmond Lawrence “Larry” P. Settled Orlando, FL
Rhodes Michael Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Ringenberger Harry Sued Miami, FL
Rogge Norman J. Convicted St. Petersburg, FL
Romero William Settled Venice, FL
Salazar Oscar Accused Orlando, FL
Schaeufele Robert L. Convicted St. Petersburg, FL
Sheedy Patrick J. Accused Orlando, FL
Smith Trevor Settled Miami, FL
Sokol Edward Convicted Miami, FL
Spillane Jeremiah M. Convicted St. Petersburg, FL
Sykes Thomas Settled Orlando, FL
Symons (Bp) Joseph Keith Accused Palm Beach, FL
Tuoc Ignatius Accused St. Petersburg, FL
Uhran Vernon Sued Orlando, FL
Uniowski Peter Accused Orlando, FL
Walk Donald J. Accused Miami, FL
Walsh Bryan O. Sued Miami, FL
Ward Kenneth Sued Miami, FL
Weinheimer William Sued St. Augustine, FL
Russo James Accused St. Petersburg, FL
De Paola Cristobal Accused Miami, FL
Flaherty James Accused Pensacola-Tallahassee, FL

Forester Haynie is an advocate for victims of clergy abuse as well as for anyone abused by a person in a position of power.  If you have suffered sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or a person of authority please fill out the form or call us at (888) 869-8100. Our firm offers free consultations to help you access compensation and help with your recovery.  We stand ready to assist you, and we stand ready to hold these institutions to accountable

In the U.S. legal system, all accused persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. This chart is based generally on allegations reported publicly in the media or publicly filed in the courts. Forester Haynie does not confirm the accuracy of any actual allegation, and this chart is not a representation of the legal case history of an individual. Reasonable efforts have been made to ensure accuracy.

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