Known Clergy Abusers in Alaska

Over the last year, Catholic Dioceses from across the United States have released lists of known clergy sexual abusers. There’s no greater breach of trust than when someone in a position of power and authority sexually abuses someone. These acts have devastating effects on victims. Forester Haynie is an advocate for victims of clergy abuse as well as for anyone abused by a person in a position of power. Already, more than 3,000 civil lawsuits have been filed on behalf of victims of clergy abuse. Here are the names of known abusers in the state of Alaska:

  • Rene Astruc. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1959-67; mid-1960s; 1965-66; 1975; 1982-85; Status: Deceased, June 28, 2002.
  • Joseph A. Balfe. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1934-40; 1959-6; Status: Deceased, Sept. 29, 1969.
  • Charles Bartles. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1973-74; 197; Status: Deceased, July 28, 1993.
  • Alaska Brother Robert L. Benish. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1954; 1961-62; Status: Deceased, April 24, 1991.
  • Arnold L. Cluster.  Status: Deceased, March 2, 1969.
  • Jules M. Convert. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1954-60, 1961-63; 1966-69; 1970-78; Status: Deceased, July 28, 1995.
  • Robert F. Corrigal. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor, 1959, 1968-72; Status: Deceased, May 20, 1988.
  • Dominic De Domenico. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor, 1966.
  • Norman E. Donohue. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1971-72; Status: Deceased, Oct. 24, 1983.
  • George S. Endal. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1955-60, 1964-68, 1973-76, 1978-82; Status: Deceased, Nov. 15, 1996
  • Andras Eordogh. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor. 1959-51; Status: No mention on Jesuits West list. Fairbanks Diocese lists him as deceased as of 2009.
  • Francis J. Fallert. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1956-57, 1968-72; Status: Deceased, June 2, 1990.
  • Brother Francis Fox. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor, “year tbd”; Status: Deceased, Feb. 28, 1994.
  • John P. Fox. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1951-55, 1956-59, 1963; Status: Deceased, May 6, 1983.
  • Harold J. Greif. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor, 1958-64, 1965-66, 1967-69, 1974, 1985, 1990-92; Status: Deceased, Oct. 28, 1991.
  • Henry G. Hargreaves. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1950-54, 1960, 1978, 1981; Status: Deceased Feb. 22, 2013.
  • Michael Hornick. Claims/years: 1969. 7 women accused him of abuse as children and adults.
  • James E. Jacobson. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1968-70, 1969-71; Status: Deceased, July 18, 2017.
  • Brother Ignatius J. Jakes. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1975-76, 1978-82, 1987; Status: Deceased, Aug. 23, 1999.
  • Paul Linssen. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1959; Status: Deceased, Sept. 21, 1960.
  • Segundo Llorente. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1962-63, mid-1960s; Status: Deceased, Jan. 26, 1989.
  • Richard L. McCaffery. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1978-79, 1979-81, 1992-96; Status: Deceased, May 7, 2006.
  • William T. McIntyre. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1958-59; Status: Deceased, Aug. 27, 1983.
  • Bernard F. McMeel. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1977; Status: Deceased, Jan. 6, 1994.
  • John McMuldren. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of children in 1995.
  • Gabriel M. Menager. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor; Status: Deceased, July 28, 1966.
  • Cornelius K. Murphy. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1964-67; Status: Deceased, April 16, 1982.
  • Francis Murphy. Claims/years: Child sexual abuse and pornography in the 1980s. Five plaintiffs sued and got $1.4M from Ancorage settlement.
  • Francis X. Nawn. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1962-63, 1964-68, 1969-71, 1973-75, 1979-81, 1986-88; Status: Deceased, Oct. 1, 1992.
  • Paul C. O’Connor. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1951-55; Status: Deceased, March 8, 1979.
  • Patrick J. O’Reilly. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1945, 1947, 1949; Status: Deceased, May 26, 1958.
  • Joseph L. Obersinner. Note: Included in Jesuits West list, previously published in former Oregon Province bankruptcy filings. Status: Deceased, March 1, 2018.
  • James E. Poole. Claims/years:Sexual abuse of a minor: 1948-53, 1956-57, 1959-63, 1967-68, 1970, 1975-77, 1979-80; Status: Deceased, March 28, 2018.
  • Charles A. Saalfeld. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 1974-78; Status: Deceased, March 6, 1978.
  • Patrick F. Savage. Status: Deceased, Sept. 15, 1965.
  • Vincent P. Scott. Claims/years: Sexual abuse of a minor: 2000. Status: Dismissed June 12, 2000.
  • Frederick Simoneau. Note:Included in Jesuits West list, previously published in former Oregon Province bankruptcy filings. Status: Deceased, April 21, 1984.
  • Robert Wells. Accused of abuse of a girl from age 10 to 18 in the 70s and 70s. The woman sued and were included in a settlement.

Forester Haynie is an advocate for victims of clergy abuse as well as for anyone abused by a person in a position of power.  If you have suffered sexual abuse by a member of the clergy or a person of authority please fill out the form or call us at (888) 869-8100. Our firm offers free consultations to help you access compensation and help with your recovery.  We stand ready to assist you, and we stand ready to hold these institutions to accountable

In the U.S. legal system, all accused persons are presumed innocent until proven guilty. This chart is based generally on allegations reported publicly in the media or publicly filed in the courts. Forester Haynie does not confirm the accuracy of any actual allegation, and this chart is not a representation of the legal case history of an individual. Reasonable efforts have been made to ensure accuracy.

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