The chemotherapy drug Taxotere, administered to many women for breast cancer, ??n ??us? serious s?d? ?ff??ts. ?v?r??n? r???ts d?ff?r?ntl? t? drugs ?nd s?m? ????l? h?v? m?r? s?d? ?ff??ts th?n ?th?rs. ?h? s?d? ?ff??ts ?f Taxotere ??n usu?ll? b? ??ntr?ll?d ?r r?du??d ?nd th?s? d?s?r?b?d h?r? w?ll n?t ?ff??t ?v?r??n?. ?f ??u’r? ??n??rn?d ?b?ut ?n? s?d? ?ff??ts, r?g?rdl?ss ?f wh?th?r th?? ?r? l?st?d h?r?, t?lk t? ??ur ?h?m?th?r??? nurs? ?r ??n??r s?????l?st (?n??l?g?st).
Taxotere can ??us? h??r l?ss. ??st ????l? w?ll l?s? ?ll of th??r h??r, ?n?lud?ng ???br?ws, ???l?sh?s ?nd b?d? h??r. Y?u m?? b?g?n t? l?s? ??ur h??r ?b?ut tw? w??ks ?ft?r th? f?rst tr??tm?nt, but ?t ??n h????n ??rl??r. ???r l?ss ?s usu?ll? gr?du?l but ?t ??n h????n v?r? qu??kl?, ??ss?bl? ?v?r ? ??u?l? ?f d??s. ?t ??n s?m?t?m?s b? m?n?m?s?d b? s??l? ???l?ng.
???r l?ss sh?uld b? t?m??r?r? ?nd ?n m?st ??s?s ??ur h??r w?ll b?g?n t? gr?w b??k ? f?w w??ks ?ft?r ??ur tr??tm?nt h?s ?nd?d. ?r?l?ng?d ?r ??rm?n?nt h??r l?ss h?s b??n r???rt?d ?n ? v?r? sm?ll numb?r ?f ??s?s. ????t?r? ??t??nts wh? ????r??n??d ??rm?n?nt h??r l?ss m?? b? ?l?g?bl? t? r????v? subst?nt??l ??m??ns?t??n f?r th? ?m?t??n?l ???n ?nd suff?r?ng ??us?d b? ????t?r? s?d? ?ff??ts b? f?l?ng ? ????t?r? l?wsu?t.