JUUL and e-cigarettes have become extremely popular over the last few years. However, the e-cigarette company JUUL currently faces thousands of lawsuits that claim their e-cigarette devices can lead to seizures, nicotine addiction, and severe lung problems such as lung disease and strokes. Many also claim that the product advertisements have targeted young people, including teenagers, and provided false information.
A JUUL, manufactured by JUUL Labs, is an e-cigarette that uses a heating element to turn liquids into an aerosol inhaled by the user. Many of these liquids have different fruity flavors that contain an excessive amount of highly addictive nicotine.
Many plaintiffs in current lawsuits allege that JUUL delivers a rate of nicotine several times higher than a standard cigarette. The extremely high nicotine rate in the JUUL, in turn, can and has lead to more addictiveness to nicotine and also can create serious health risks.
Many teenagers and young people responded positively to the advertisements that JUUL posted on social media. Many plaintiffs claim that the company specifically targeted young people and teens with their advertisements. Since then, many young people and those who have never previously smoked cigarettes believed that using a JUUL was safer than smoking standard cigarettes.
Many people, adults included, quit smoking to turn to the e-cigarettes because they thought it was a safer and better alternative to smoking. The popular e-cigarette manufacturer has even claimed that using the their product is a safer alternative to smoking cigarettes. However, the FDA has stated that there is no evidence that the JUUL is safer than smoking cigarettes.
“Regardless of where products like e-cigarettes fall on the continuum of tobacco product risk, the law is clear that, before marketing tobacco products for reduced risk, companies must demonstrate with scientific evidence that their specific product does in fact pose less risk or is less harmful. JUUL has ignored the law, and very concerningly, has made some of these statements in schools to our nation’s youth,”
Individuals who have become addicted to JUUL or who have suffered severe or life-threatening injuries have hired lawyers to represent them to receive compensation for the damages they have incurred.
If you are wondering if you can still join or start a lawsuit, the answer is yes. If you have become addicted to suffered severe injuries related to the JUUL or other e-cigarettes, you may be entitled to file or join an existing lawsuit.
Forester Haynie provides free consultations to discuss your legal options. Call 214-210-2100 for more information.