Written by Cecil Mattson, 2L of Texas A&M University School of Law A Very Brief History of Tipping Tipping originated in European aristocratic culture, where wealthy guests would slip money to their host’s servants, presumably…
PFAS Chemicals Continue Cancer Risk
Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a family of synthetic chemicals that do not break down in the environment very easily. As discussed in a previous Forester Haynie Latest News article found here, PFAS has…
Benzene Found In Popular Sunscreen Brands
Known Carcinogen, Benzene, Found in Popular Sunscreen Brands Earlier this summer, Valisure, released a bombshell study showing that many popular brands of sunscreen contain varying levels of the carcinogen, benzene. In response to this study,…
How “Forever Chemicals” Are Hurting Firefighters
Written by Jordan Farber, Juris Doctor Candidate and Associate Editor of the Chicago-Kent Journal of Environmental and Energy Law. The job of a firefighter is not easy, nor is it particularly safe. While many people correctly assume that…