The Boy Scouts of America (BSA) paid over $150 million in settlements to sexual abuse victims from 2017-2019. In 2020, the BSA still faced hundreds of sexual abuse lawsuits. In light of the new lawsuits and in an effort to protect the BSA’s assets while also compensating victims, the BSA has filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy earlier this year. Our firm is dedicated to help the victims of this heinous crime. Below we’ve included important information for anyone who would like to move forward with filing a claim. Please contact us as soon as possible for more guidance, we only have until November 16, 2020 to file a claim against the Boy Scouts of America for sexual abuse that occurred before this year.
Is there a deadline for victims to submit their claims?
Yes, injured parties have until November 16, 2020 to file a claim against the BSA for sexual abuse that occurred on or before February 18, 2020.
How much will victims be compensated?
At this point, there is no way of knowing how much each victim will be compensated. Ideally, each victim will be compensated in an amount that helps them with any costs incurred as a result of the abuse and more.
In addition to compensation, people who bring claims against the Boy Scouts of America may potentially aid in the prevention of further abuse by anyone associated with the BSA.
Will information in claims be kept confidential?
YES. Unless a person indicates that they want their information to be public, a victim’s information will be kept confidential and will not be included on the public record.
Is this a class action lawsuit?
No, the claims against the BSA are not part of a class action lawsuit. Instead, each person’s claim will be looked at individually. Victims will not all be compensated the same amount because not all victims’ experiences were the same.
Will the Boy Scouts of America compensate victims for counseling of past abuse in scouting?
The BSA is offering funding for the in-person counseling of the injured party and their family members.
Victims and their family members must call the BSA’s Scouts First Helpline at 1-866-907- BSA1 or email to request funding.
Contact Forester Haynie Today
The attorneys at Forester Haynie are passionate about helping and supporting victims of sexual abuse. If you are a victim of the BSA and would like guidance and support throughout the process of filing a claim against the BSA, please contact Forester Haynie today.