Another pizza delivery driver lawsuit has been brought by former Maryland pizza delivery driver Donald Wilson against Marlboro Pizza, LLC and owner Malcolm Carter. The company presently operates several Domino’s Pizza franchises in Maryland. The lawsuit alleges that the company uses flawed methods of reimbursement for pizza delivery driver mileage. Delivery drivers use their personal vehicles to deliver food to customers and are responsible for the costs accrued. These costs include gasoline, maintenance and repairs, insurance, and depreciation. Consequently, pizza delivery drivers are not left with much because these vehicle costs cut into the wages they earn. Further, the mileage reimbursement rates provided to the drivers fall below any reasonable estimate of the expenses the pizza delivery drivers incur and are below IRS mileage reimbursement rate, causing their wages to fall below the federal minimum wage.
The case is called Wilson v. Marlboro Pizza, LLC et al, pending in federal court in the District of Maryland.
Case Updates
July 15, 2024 – End of Notice Period
April 15, 2024 – Start of Notice Period
February 5, 2024 – Conditional Certification Granted for a Class of Similarly Situated Pizza Delivery Drivers
June 15, 2022 – FLSA Collective Action Complaint Filed
About Forester Haynie
Forester Haynie takes minimum wage and FLSA violations very seriously. These violations happen because limitations within the law allow some employers to pay their employees below the federal minimum wage. Forester Haynie’s attorneys are dedicated to making sure that people are being lawfully compensated for their labor. More than $10 million have been recovered for pizza delivery drivers across the nation. Case settlements often take time, so you will have to be patient with us while we fight for you. Forester Haynie does not charge our clients any up front fees or case costs. Unlike many firms, we only get paid when you do.
If you would like to learn more about this lawsuit, please contact Forester Haynie by filling out the form below.